Hutchings Law Group

Archive for April, 2023
Apr 18, 2023

In most situations, it is courts have the discretion to determine whether a contract is void or voidable. When determining whether a contract will be treated as void or voidable courts consider a variety of factors. Here are some of the factors that courts may consider: The practical implications of having a contract determined to […]

Apr 10, 2023

If you are operating your multi-member limited liability company (LLC) without an operating agreement, you are exposing yourself to many risks that could easily be avoided. Operating agreements are essential documents that govern how your LLC will operate, including its management structure, allocation of profits and losses, and the rights and responsibilities of its members. […]

Apr 7, 2023

Anticipatory repudiation is a legal term that refers to a situation where one party of a contract explicitly or implicitly communicates to the other party that they will not fulfill their contractual obligations. This can occur before the performance is due, and the communication can be in verbal or written form. In simpler terms, anticipatory […]